Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is a Really Sad Story of the Fish that Died During the World War ll

In World War II there was a time when time when the Americans needed to test the atomic bomb. The Americans tested the bomb in the ocean were know one can get hurt. unfortunately, the Americans didn't realize what would happen to the population of the fish. Not just so many people had died from the atomic bomb but fish too. The population of the fish went down so easily that there were almost no survivors near the atomic bomb to make a good story out of it. A few days later after the atomic bomb, there was so much construction to do. Other families needed and or wanted to move so that the same problem does not happen again. We need to find a way to tell the people to stop fishing us, that way our population grows and that way there will be so much fish that we will let you fish us.

 The survival of Shiny       

  Side  Based on a true story                    

Once there was a little fish named
Shiny Sides. This little fish lived during World War II. It was a dangerous time for him due to the fact that the atomic bombs were being tested near were his family and him lived. His species had pretty much died out due to the force of the explosion of the bombs and because of the radiation. Some of the fish near by became sick and died while others became mutated.

While this fish was at school, he had heard about a bomb being denotative near by and school was cancelled for that day. Shiny Sides then decided to travel back home were he though he would be safe. After that no other atomic bombs were used around there and all the fishes there thought that they were safe. Actually, they were safe  because he had seen his family. He was crying with joy. He then later said " this day will be remembered'. Shiny Said that he will live as much as he can to   

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