Friday, April 19, 2013

  How to Survive a Shark Attack

Step #1
Remain Calm or Be Eaten. Even when you want to get out of water quickly as possible when  a shark attacks,you must try to remain calm.Do not try to out swim the shark due to the fact that they are much faster then you.Try to figure out how you can get to safety.

Do not try to out swim a shark!

Step #2
Keep your eyes on the shark! Sharks will try to sneak up on you.To be able to defend against the shark, you must know where it is, so make every effort to watch the animal, even as you're trying to escape.

Keep You Eye On The Shark!

Step #3
Get into a position in which you can defend yourself.Try to reduce the shark's possible angles of attack. If you're diving, back up against a reef, piling, or rock so that you only have to defend attacks in front of you. If your with a buddy while being attacked by a shark,  get back-to-back so that you can see, and defend against, an attack from any direction. If you don't have anyone around and you are the only one in the water try to blow bubbles, sharks don't like bubbles they might just leave you alone if you can make bubbles.

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